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Inspiring Movie Suggestion

Eunice OA

Hey guys! Hope you're all having a great week. Let's continue this week with positivity and a spirit of determination.

So for today's post, I figured I'd introduce something new. So one of my lovely members suggested recommending movies just as I've been doing with the songs and I thought to myself, WHY NOT?

We're in the computer age and a lot of us engage more with visuals than written works. To be honest, my reading flow has come to a standstill for a long while now. Hopefully I can pick it back up. That goes for all of you out there who are also slacking when it comes to reading.

I mean, there are many reasons as to why people prefer movies to books. And one of them is probably the fact that you can finish a movie faster than you can finish a book. What we watch can affect us in ways that we don't realise, because trust me, these things can stick with us for years. So it's best to feed your eyes with nutritious content rather than junk. That's why I'll be suggesting some great movies (maybe even series) that you'll not only enjoy but you can take something meaningful out of it at the end. So today, here is one movie suggestion for you.

Unfortunately, I can't really give you sites for all of them since I watched most of them in school. I'm sure you can find some of them on Netflix, Amazon Prime or other websites; you can check it out and see.


Honestly, if you haven't seen this movie, you're missing out. This was actually the first movie that came to mind when I decided to actually do this segment.

War room is about a realtor, Elizabeth Jordan, who although has a good job, house and family, faces problems regarding her home. She meets a client one day who charges her to stir up her spiritual life, through prayer and a deeper relationship with God, in order to fix her marital problems. The movie teaches you a lot about prayer and how we can't just be lukewarm Christians, which God hates. It's either we're hot or cold for Him and He would much rather prefer that we were on fire for Him.

I find myself always going back to this movie because it reminds me that there is power in prayer, and a Christian without prayer is like a soldier in battle without a weapon. Prayer is really key in the life of God's children because it is the route we take to speak to God and the weapon for all spiritual warfare. The first step to solving any problem is prayer, because it is then that God shows you how to solve it.

Here's the trailer for you to check out. Hope you enjoy it and check out the movie too. Also, if you know any websites (legal, guys) where you can find this, feel free to share in the comments below. Have a blessed day guys.

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Eunice OA
Eunice OA
Jan 29, 2020

@Emmanuella Addei

Nutritious to the eyes... I love that statement😂❤


Emmanuella Addei
Jan 29, 2020

Yay! This movie is indeed nutritious to the eyes. Thanks

Very true statements on prayer you made.


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