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A Photograph Worth a Thousand Words

Hi lovelies!

This week has been a bit chaotic, (more like the past two weeks actually), but we're grateful to God for bringing us safely this far. No matter what is going on around us, we must always give thanks.

So today's post is by a friend of mine, Dominic Arthur, who's really into photography. He wanted to share a little bit about why he started and what inspires him to keep on going, so I hope you enjoy this post. If you want to see more of his work you can check them out on his Instagram page da_fotografy .

Post by Dominic Arthur

I have recently found myself in the world of photography and it is incredibly fascinating. Every photograph freezes a moment and tells a story. A moment you will always relive in anytime you look back at that picture. I find it interesting how light, shadows and shades of colours come together to convey some sort of unexplainable feeling in an image. Today I share with you one of my favourite photographs I have shot since I began to look at the world through my lens.

Photo by Dominic Arthur

In the picture above, the person is sitting in the dark on the edge of a cliff looking at a source of light from miles away. The hope of the rising sun brings to us a fleeting moment of faith, love and trust. Every night we go to sleep trusting that we will wake up and live through another day.

This is the story I want this photograph to convey or tell.

Think of it like this, imagine you are the person in the picture and the source of light is something you have always dreamed of. This could be anything, a new job, a degree, a new car, a life partner, etc. In the photograph, the only thing that is separating the person from the light is a massive river. Nevertheless, he can get to the light, either by swimming, by boat or by flight, the same way you can make that dream come true.

The different ways the person could get to the light has their own risks and hurdles. For instance, if he decides to swim, he might have to learn how to swim. Even if he can swim, he cannot be certain about what to expect in the river. There could be sharks or something that pose a threat or that will make the journey difficult. The same applies to you. Oftentimes, knowing the way to your destination is not enough. However, with 'knowing' comes hope and courage. And with hope and courage, one can make the impossible possible.

I hope you find some inspiration from this short message. Of course, people see things from different perspectives so your story from this photograph might be different from mine and I would love to hear yours :) Thanks for reading this far.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing

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