You Still Love Me by Tasha Cobbs is one of my favourite songs, because I find the lyrics very relatable.
It talks about how in our walk with God, we find ourselves falling back into sin so many times. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we wrong and harm God. We say we are Children of the Most High but we find ourselves constantly going against His Word and His commandments. We let addictions, temptations, fear and our desires overcome us and we treat God as second best in our lives.
But through it all, God surprisingly still loves us. He's always ready to welcome us back with open arms. God patiently waits for us to realise that we need Him more than we need anything in this life, and that He is the only one that can truly satisfy. His love is greater than all. His forgiveness gives us peace. His mercy is never ending. His grace is sufficient.
All He requires is that we run back to Him with sincere, repentant hearts and give Him full control over our lives. Only then can we truly bask in the radiance of His love.
Don't ever think that you're too unholy or unclean to receive God's love and forgiveness. God hates sin but loves the sinner. If He was willing to allow His only Son to die on the cross for you, then He won't give up on you. So return to Him and trust in Him.
Hope you love the song as much as I do.