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Songs For When You Doubt Your Worth

Eunice OA

There are times when we fall into a state of questioning our worth and purpose, wondering who we really are and what our aims in life are.

These thoughts of self-doubt tend to creep in unannounced and mess with our heads. But one thing we need to remember is that, the fact that we're alive means we have a purpose in life. And even better, God has great plans for us. Once we trust in what He says about us and the many great promises He has for us, we'll be able to live our lives with self-confidence and the assurance that God is using us for a grand purpose.

Today's post gives 5 songs that personally speak to me and encourage me whenever I doubt myself. I've also given some lyrics that I really love in each song.

Hope you enjoy the suggestions and remember that, you are loved, special and have been made for a beautiful and wonderful purpose.

1. Yahweh - JOKIA

I've been obsessed with this song since I first heard it. The lyrics talk about how we've been saved from a life of fear by love- God's love. It's in God that we find our true worth and purpose. When we ask Him to lead us, He helps us to walk in purpose and truth. No matter how hard fear tries to make us doubt ourselves, we need to remember we've been called to walk in God's amazing purpose for us.

" In the beginning You breathe on me

To establish purpose in me,

Then that's when You spoke to me

And told me to walk and believe, "

Source: JOKIA - YouTube

2. The Search - NF

So I'm not a HUGE fan of rap (I like some Christian rap, but it's just not my favourite genre of music). But since my sisters started playing NF all the time, I've literally been exposed to his music and I just love how relatable it is. This song- like many of his other songs- is written from NF's life experience and I can say that we all go through a lot in life, especially with our mental health. And what we feed our minds has a significant effect on how we see ourselves. We have to be careful of what we think of ourselves because our doubts first start from our thoughts.

"Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face

Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great

You'll never be great, not because you're not, but the hate

Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith"

Source: NFrealmusic - YouTube

3. Just As I Am - Taylor Tripodi

Acknowledging God's love is the one thing that can bring us out of our state of questioning our self love. Just imagine, the Maker of the Universe loved us enough to give up His own Son to die for us, just so that we could know Him and have a relationship with Him. He did this fully knowing the things we keep in our hearts, our tendencies to walk away from Him and go astray from His love. Despite all that, He cares for us just as we are. He sees us as beautiful and His masterpiece. Remember this whenever you question your self worth.

"I belong to you, I belong to you

I have nothing to prove, I have nothing to prove

You see me, just as I am, just as I am

And you love me, just as I am, just as I am"

Source: Taylor Tripodi - YouTube

4. Perfectly Loved - Courtnie Ramirez

We've been perfectly made in the image of the One who created the galaxies and the beautiful things in nature that we see around us. God doesn't make mistakes; your imperfections, deformities, flaws and the things you hate about yourself are seen by God as beautiful. It can be hard to look at ourselves and see this when some people around us make us feel insecure about ourselves. It can take time to truly love yourself and all your 'imperfections' but it's good to start working on it. See yourself through God's eyes and not your own or the world's.

"And perfectly made, perfectly loved

You see something great, That you are proud of

When they see a waste, You see a diamond in the rough

You don't make mistakes, I'm perfectly made

And I'm perfectly loved"

Source: Courtnie Ramirez - YouTube

5. More Beautiful You - Jonny Diaz

This song is directed more to my wonderful ladies. It also talks about how we see ourselves in the mirror and the things we try to do to get validation from others. But other people's validations can never really satisfy us. We try so many things to seem more beautiful but the truth is, beauty is only skin deep. There's more to ourselves than how we look. We've been made to fulfill a purpose that no-one else can, and we're each different in our own way. It's our differences that make us unique and beautiful.

"You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do

So there could never be a more beautiful you"

Source: Jonny Diaz - YouTube

Hope you enjoy these songs. And remember to talk to someone whenever you're feeling low. Have an amazing day and weekend.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing

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