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You're Never Alone

Eunice OA

Since it's Mental Health Awareness week here, I thought that it would be a good idea to talk a little about mental health today.

Now I'm no expert in this area, but I have been through this phase as I'm sure many of you reading have too or are going through it now. This time we're in can be very dangerous for people with mental health issues and the talk of fear and death might be enough to throw a lot of people into a deep state of depression.

I remember in my early teenage years, I felt depressed a lot. It wasn't severe depression but I still felt down quite a lot. I wouldn't show it outside but when I was by myself, that was when negative thoughts and moody feelings began to kick in. Yes I was surrounded by friends and family but I was also going through a lot personally that no-one really knew about. I was struggling with loneliness, addictions, low self-esteem and spiritually, I wasn't at a great place. I remember thinking that there was no-one around me who really cared about me as much as I would have wanted and despite having friends, I would always tell myself how alone and friendless I was.

But I remember the first youth camp meeting I went to, during one of the prayers, there was a prophetic word and it was something along the lines of God saying to stop feeling depressed and lonely because He was there; He'd always been there. You know one of those times when you just feel that God is talking directly to you? Yeah well, this was one of those moments.

And I immediately realised that my low spirit and allowing myself to wallow in self pity was something I had created for myself when the truth was, God had always been there ready to take away all my negative thoughts and loneliness. I had always been bent on forming close relations with other people and trying to get their acceptance and validation, that I'd forgotten to turn myself over to the One who has cared about me since even before the beginning of time.

Depression and anxiety can happen to any of us but it can be dangerous when we try to dismiss it as nothing, not talk to someone about it or refuse to get help for it. Stress, pressure, problems, fears, low self esteem, loneliness, life challenges, changes; these are all enough to drive you into a state of constant panic and feeling stressed out, worried or even suicidal in a lot of cases. It doesn't make you abnormal. It just means that there's a lot of negativity that you're holding on to that you need to let go of.

I just want us to know that no matter what it is we may be going through, there is someone who loves us more than the word love itself. And that's God. It may sound cliche and something you're used to hearing, but God really does love you. He wants you to come to Him, talk to Him, let Him take away all your brokenness and pain so that He can make you whole.

Nothing lasts forever. People die, friends move away, life goes on even in the face of changes. But one thing that will always be constant is God's love for you. Even if everyone were to leave you, God will never leave you. You may be by yourself but you're never truly alone. Just look up to the heavens because that's where your help comes from.

I don't know who really needs to hear this now, maybe we all do, including me. But all I wanna say is that, no matter what it is you're battling or going through: depression, addiction, anxiety, loss, loneliness, God is never going to leave your side. NEVER.

There's this song called Joy by VaShawn Mitchell and the lyrics go:

There's beauty in my brokenness,

I've got true love instead of pain

There's freedom though you've captured me

I've got joy instead of mourning

You give me joy

Down deep in my soul

Down deep in my soul

Down deep in my soul

In God we can always find joy.

God also surrounds us with people who can help us out in these troubling times. Reach out to a friend, family member, mentor, anyone you can trust and let them know what you're going through. And where you can, seek professional help. It doesn't make you some sort of sick patient, it only means you need help in becoming a better you.

And those of you who know friends or people around you who are going through mental health issues, make sure to check up on them every once in a while. In fact, check up on other people whenever you can. You never know what someone is going through and it might be too late if you wait too long.

Don't forget to spread love and kindness as you go throughout the rest of the week. Happy Mental Health Awareness Week!

What's your input on mental health awareness? Feel free to post your comments down below or email/message me on social media. Share this post if you were blessed and subscribe to EuniqueBlogs. Have a great weekend.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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