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Walk the Walk, But Talk the Talk Too

Eunice OA

So second semester of school is about to start, and I'm actually feeling kind of excited. Although, it's not really because of the academic aspect, which is weird because that's why I'm in university in the first place.

I'm just excited to start the new semester with a more positive attitude and hopefully a better can-do spirit. Last semester was full of bumps and I know this one's probably gonna be the same. If anything, the workload is gonna be heavier.

But what I do know will be different, is my way of approaching situations.

I don't know if it's the joy of starting the year 2020 or the feeling that I can achieve anything in this new year, but I'm holding on to this positivity and marching into this semester with confidence.

Another thing I'm really excited about is the fact that a group of friends and I are starting a new Christian society in our uni. I always love it when we as children of God can gather together with one heart and one mind; to worship God and fellowship with each other.

I mean, have you and your friends ever just, out of the blue, started discussing something you found in the Bible? Or shared your views on a topic regarding Christianity? It's times like those that you realise that you've always had so much to say but no-one to say it to. I'm just really pumped to have more of that.

But it also brings about the topic of actually using the society to make a difference in our community. The whole point of it is not only to bring together Christians from various denominations, but to also win new souls for Christ. Something I don't think I've ever truly been able to do in my 19 years of existence.

You see, I'm more suited to the idea of uplifting and encouraging fellow Christians to stay on the path of righteousness that God has placed us on.

I sometimes forget that my main purpose is to also uplift and encourage unbelievers to find Christ. Evangelism has always been something I struggled to do. I think I always use the excuse that, if I live right and reflect Christ, that will be my form of evangelism.

But in reality, it's my excuse to avoid actually talking to others about the saving power of Christ's sacrifice.

It's absolutely necessary that we genuinely walk the Christian walk, but we shouldn't forget to talk the talk too. Actions do speak louder than words, but sometimes you need to actually say the words.

Fear of rejection or what people will think is a main issue that most of us face when it comes to evangelism. It's sad that even when you decide to go out there with confidence to preach God's word, you're practically snubbed and ignored. But I believe that that's most likely happened to even the best of preachers. It's not about how well you speak or how 'biblically intellectual' you sound, even though it's necessary that we truly know what the Gospel is before we begin to share it with others.

In the end, it's not our job to change the hearts of the people. All we are supposed to do is go into the world to spread the Gospel (Mark 16:15 - He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation). It's God's job to turn their hearts back to Him. That's why we're encouraged to back our evangelism with prayer. Prayer for a successful turnout; prayer for the right words to say; prayer to go out with confidence into a hostile world.

So despite these fears that may come with evangelism, I think we all need to try our best to actually say something to someone about Christ. It could start with modelling our speech to include more of God. For instance, the usual "How was your weekend?" could be replied with something along the lines of, "It was good. I went to church on Sunday and learnt a lot about love."

These kind of statements are much more detailed and are better conversation starters as compared to, "Oh, I didn't really do much this weekend." Tailoring your speech helps build intrigue and intrigue is an opening to sharing your faith.

Another main step to take regarding evangelism is to actually know the Gospel for yourself. We all know that Jesus came to die on the cross to save us from our sins, but do we truly understand the depth of this famous statement?

Developing a deeper relationship with God is key to understanding the Scriptures better. And with a better understanding of the Scripture, having the right words to say during evangelism becomes easier. Of course, God will speak through you, but it's much easier to do so when He doesn't have an empty vessel (empty in the sense that you lack knowledge of His Word).

Let's try these two steps in order to increase our confidence to preach God's word without fear or hesitation.

Do you have any of your own stories regarding evangelism or any opinions to share? Let me know in the comments below. You can also reach out through email or social media. I'd love to hear what you think. Have a blessed day lovelies!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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Eunice OA
Eunice OA
Jan 13, 2020

Honestly Maame, you're so right. I should actually let you do a feature post here lol. But seriously, it really is easier said than done. We pray for God's grace to speak with confidence whenever we're given the opportunity.


Maame Danquah
Maame Danquah
Jan 12, 2020

I agree with what you said about the difficulties some of us face with evangelising and I have experienced the fear that we feel when wanting to evangelise. There have been many time when God has had his grace and mercy on me and allowed me to succeed and overcome many obstacles that my friends don't even understand how it happens to me. During the times when they ask me how it happend I feel the urge to say "If I'm honest it wasn't me at all, it was the grace of God that allowed me to do or overcome what I did", and give God the Glory in front of them but I hesitate and to my dismay …


Eunice OA
Eunice OA
Jan 10, 2020

I totally agree with you acknowledging God when you succeed in something. It's also a great way to let others know about God, Gabby. It's these little things that gradually grow the curiosity of unbelievers and we should take every chance we get to let Christ be known. God bless you


Gabriella Quain
Gabriella Quain
Jan 10, 2020

Evangelism is a healthy spiritual activity to do as a child of God. If someone did not go out of their comfort zone to preach the word of God to our ancestors or even to ourselves, how would we have heard the gospel. There are times in my life whereby God favors me so that I get the privilege to evangelize. God has given us the spirit of excellence. It may be in academics or at the work place. Giving God the glory for such achievement and then telling them about the love of God is a way to talk to the people around us about Jesus. For me in some cases, people that hear me acknowledge God about my…


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