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Eunice OA

Surrender - Flame ft. V. Rose

How long do you plan on running from God? You've heard all about His amazing love; you've even witnessed or experienced His grace, but for some reason, you still want to hide from Him.

You find the idea of completely surrendering your life to God boring or unnecessary.

'I'm fine on my own.'

'I can solve these problems without God's help.'

'I don't need anyone to tell me what to do, I can do it all by myself.'

These are the thoughts that swim in your mind when the idea of giving yourself completely to God crops up. Sometimes you think that you can find happiness and peace through other means. But those ways don't last, and you're left with a void bigger than before, in desperate need of filling. Your problems begin to overwhelm you and you break down and give up, unable to turn to anyone for help.

Jesus here's my white flag, I surrender right now

But why go through all the pain, struggle and heartache when your answer is just a call away? Why not just turn to God and commit your life into His hands? God doesn't ask for anything in return except that you love Him completely. And it really isn't a burden when you start to really draw closer to Him. You find yourself wanting to please Him through your actions and ways instead of feeling like you're being forced to.

Surrender all your insecurities, troubles, addictions and pains to Him. There's nothing that you could ever do that would make God stop loving you. There's no reason you could ever give that would prevent God from forgiving you. You've been forgiven even before you ask.

My ship was a wreck, I couldn't pay the debt, And I lost all my treasure, so I hit the deck, When I saw Your banner I knew I'd never run and I'm staying forever

So stop running away from Him and run to Him instead. Because He's waiting for you with open arms.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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