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Show Yourself Some Love

Eunice OA

Welcome back to the blog guys!

Source: Annie Spratt

Can't believe it's Wednesday already. The days seem to just pass me by so quickly. Hope you're all having a great week so far. I actually went through a brief period of stress these past two days but it honestly just reminded me that God's got me throughout this crazy journey we call university.

So for today's post, I wanna jump back to the topic of Philautia love (self love). I hope you were inspired by the quotes from last week and that they gave you a little insight into what self love is. Today I wanted us to look at a few ways we can essentially show love to ourselves as individuals.

A comment I got from one of my lovely readers regarding last week's post on Philautia love quotes brought to my attention that there is a thin line between self love and self worship. And I think that's really important to know because we're supposed to love who we are, but not to the point where we become our own idols. An idol is anything that takes first place in your heart over God, and no matter how innocent it may seem, if you obsess over something more than the amount of attention you show God, that thing is an idol. And this includes the person you see in the mirror every day.

But then not believing in yourself and having negative thoughts on who you are can also be seen as doubting God's hand in your life. Having low self esteem is basically saying that we don't believe we are as good and treasured as God says we are. This can involve when we devalue ourselves based on our looks, some of the circumstances we're born in or even some of our qualities. It's like saying that God made mistakes when creating us, and we know that God never makes mistakes.

I just want us to learn three different ways in which we can show ourselves love because it is essential for our growth as individuals. It determines how we treat others and our response to situations that we face.

1. Draw closer to God

Something I learnt last week was that our proximity to God has an effect on how we see ourselves and the example used was the story of Adam and Eve. Before they fell, they walked with God and had an intimate relationship with Him. But once sin entered the picture, it put a distance between them, and the Bible says that they realised that they were naked. Sin caused them to feel guilt and shame, things they didn't feel when they were in a close relationship with God.

So the closer we draw to God, the less we care about carnal problems such as how we look or our materialistic possessions. When we allow ourselves to be filled with God's love, our eyes are opened to what God says about us and not what we or other people think of us.

It doesn't mean that negative thoughts won't pop up here and there; it just means that the Holy Spirit is able to quickly remind us of God's love towards us and how much we are worth.

Drawing closer to God involves spending time with Him and speaking to Him constantly to build a relationship. No matter how you feel, no matter what's going on around you, let God know everything that you're going through and also listen out for His voice.

2. Surrounding yourself with positive people

The people around us can honestly affect the way we feel about ourselves. Having toxic people who only have negative things to say, whether about you or other people, are not the type of people you need by your side.

The truth is, no matter how high your self esteem may be, when you have these kinds of friends around you who constantly make you feel less than you are, you will start to believe that it's true, even though it's not. Sometimes it can even be someone you're very close to. The Bible says:

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

Words have the power to build and to tear down, so if there are people around you whose words don't build you up, it's better not to let yourself be in that negative atmosphere.

3. Spend time with yourself

One thing that we have to learn is to be comfortable with being alone. Some of us can't stand the feeling of being alone with our thoughts. Friends and family are great to have, but sometimes you just need to take a step back and focus on your growth as an individual. Self reflection and meditation are great ways to just get to know yourself. The things you like, dislike, your goals and aspirations, hopes and dreams.

A major part of growth is realising who you are as a person and not just who you are in the company of others. Just as your relationship with others grows due to the quality time you spend with them, the same way you grow as a person when you spend quality time with yourself.

Note that there's a difference between spending quality time with yourself and being a loner. Some of us really don't like going out with friends or associating with people because we're either afraid of what they'll think of us or we just can't be bothered to make the effort in getting to know them. Self love is important as well as being comfortable with yourself, but don't forget that your self love produces a positive outlook on life that other people may need in their life.

When we can love who we are as individuals, we are able to show love to other people in a way that uplifts and builds them up. And just as we show the attributes of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 to other people, remember that it applies to us as well.

Love is kind; be kind to yourself.

Love is patient; be patient enough to understand that your growth as a person takes time, and with time, you'll become the great person God destined you to be.

Love keeps no record of wrongs; do not beat yourself up about something that God has already forgiven you on. Forgive yourself and move on, never looking back.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; don't entertain negative thoughts about yourself but delight in the truth that God has fearfully and wonderfully made you.

Take a look at 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and relate them to yourself, reminding yourself each day that you are loved and that you deserve to be loved.

What are your thoughts on self love? Let me know in the comments section below or email/message me. Don't forget to share with your friends and loved ones. Have an amazing day loves.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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Eunice OA
Eunice OA
Feb 26, 2020

@Emmanuella Addei @Maame Danquah Yeah it's very important to also find the right balance between spending time with God, spending time with your friends and spending time with yourself


Maame Danquah
Maame Danquah
Feb 26, 2020

This is very helpful to me aswell, it's something I have been neglecting for a long time in my life and something I am working towards building. Thanks and God bless you🙏🏽 🙌🏾


Emmanuella Addei
Feb 26, 2020

Very helpful piece...I think I have to work on the third one first time I have heard it in a long time


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