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Shining in the Midst of Darkness

Today is Day 2 of Teen Week. I'm still exploring different styles of posting for this blog, so this week's updates won't be like the normal update style.

So on to today's topic.

One major issue we face as Christian teenagers, is literally actually living as and showing that we are Christians. The word 'Christian' has become so commonly used, yet not for the purpose for which it was coined in the first place. Nowadays, a Christian is just someone who goes to church, whereas back when Christianity first began, a Christian was someone who followed the example of Christ. Someone who lived, spoke and acted just as Jesus Christ did.

And who was Jesus Christ? He was the Only Begotten Son of God who came down in the form of a man, to not only give His life as a sacrifice to save us, but also set an example for us to follow. So Jesus was ultimately just like us, but He lived a pure and holy life, free from sin. There will be arguments that say that Jesus was God, so being holy wasn't a problem for Him. But in actual fact, it wasn't the case; as long as he was a human being like us, He would go through the same problems, trials and temptations as we do. And He did. Yet in all His ways, He pleased God and walked blameless before Him.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm talking so much about Jesus. It's because He's the reason the term, 'CHRISTian' was coined. The reason most of us call ourselves Christians.

Some of us grew up in the church, me being a prime example. Both of my parents are pastor's children and I'm basically a third generation Christian. I was taught about God practically since birth, attended church every Sunday, was exposed to the Bible and its teachings and learnt all about living a Christian lifestyle.

For many people, again just like me, because of this kind of environment we're so used to, it was easy to regard all of this as a routine. I knew of God, but I didn't KNOW Him. And people expect you to be a devoted Christian who knows so much about God, especially when your parents are leaders in the church. But in actual fact, I was probably just the same as an unbeliever, because I still did so many things that didn't portray the child of God I claimed to be.

The thing is, we're basically just lost, until we develop that personal relationship with God. And that's what I did. Soon, I began to seek God on a more intimate level, and experience Him for myself. I'll leave my story about that for another day, but today I want to just talk about how, even though I've sought God for myself and am trying to live in the way that He leads, it's still difficult to let other people see exactly that.

One difference between living in Ghana and living here is that, in Ghana, Christianity is very evident. There are literally churches at every corner, and even in school we have days dedicated to Worship and teachings from the Bible. So talking about God isn't an uncommon thing. In Scotland, however, all these things that I'm used to seeing, are rare to see. Talking to others about God isn't as easy as it was back in Ghana. And it's given me so many excuses to just shut my mouth and keep quiet. Something God doesn't want.

The temptations to bury my Christian values and principles are overwhelming. Growing up comes with freedom that can be very dangerous when not handled wisely. There's an urge to do what everyone else is doing instead of standing by what you believe in and what you've been taught. University especially is like one of the ultimate tests as a Christian teen. It's the stage where your morals and beliefs are tested, and most people end up failing.

I realised that over the past few weeks, there were many instances were I questioned my Christian status. One time, a friend talked to me about religion and asked if I believed in God, and I told him that I was a Christian. But after that conversation, I asked myself, "Why did I need to tell him that I was a Christian? Shouldn't my lifestyle make it evident that I am one?"

Another time, I was looking for a shirt to wear to lectures, and I stumbled upon a recent church Youth Conference t-shirt. I however hesitated to wear it, because it mentioned Jesus and I was afraid people would look at me weirdly or ask me questions about it. And I felt so ashamed that I even had those thoughts.

I've found myself minimising my godly character for fear of what others will say or think about me, and I hate it. I hate staying silent when the topic of my godly beliefs is mentioned, I hate enduring having to listen to my friends swearing and me not saying anything (anyone who really knows me, knows that I hate swear words and will rebuke you for using them, especially around me). I hate making myself less of who I am, just to cater to the likes of others. And I know God hates it too. People aren't afraid to talk about their opinions and beliefs, so why should I?

And the portion of God's Word that warns us against feeling ashamed of Him before others, really speaks to me. Because when I actually think about who He is and what He's done for me, there really should be no reason for me to keep quiet. Fear just stops me from living my life as boldly as I should.

And I pray that God takes away this fear. In fact, He already has. He's given us a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. It's up to us to trust in that Spirit and step out with boldness and godly confidence.

It shouldn't matter what your friends will think, because in the end, you're here to please God and not mankind. And we have to always remember that.

So make that bold step today. Wear that Camp T-shirt and if someone asks questions, be ready to tell them about the God you serve. Speak to that friend about God. Let your actions represent God and don't change your beliefs for anyone. Start that Bible study group. Don't be afraid to mention God in your conversations. When people ask you about your weekend, tell them that you actually went to church instead of going with the usual, 'It was boring' (when you know in actual fact that that church service was lit).

Don't let the fear of standing out, dampen the light that has been placed within you. This world is a dark place and you are the light needed to make it a brighter one.

What are your stories and comments on being a Christian youth today? Feel free to comment below or email me and we can talk about it. Have a great day guys.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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