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Quotes From T22 Part 1

Eunice OA

Source: T22Conference - Instagram page

Hi lovelies. It's been a while since my last post. In addition to problems with uploading, I was actually away from home for the past week.

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend my church's Youth Conference- dubbed TRANSFORMERS '22 (T22) - in Wales and to say that I had a good experience would be belittling just how much of an impact the conference had on me. The eye-openers, revelations and realisations that came to me were the sticks I needed to refuel a fire in me that had been tame for a bit too long now.

I think that a lot of the time, when we go for church conferences/camps, we come back with a fire and passion to want to advance in our Christian walk and do so many things for God. But then after a few days or weeks, that passion begins to die down due to inconsistency and losing focus of our initial goals.

In order to avoid this, it's always good to share your experience with others and find someone/ people to hold you accountable. For today's post, I'll be applying the first suggestion and sharing some of the quotes/lessons I learnt from the conference.

There were so many amazing speakers who imparted not just nuggets, but large chunks of wisdom to us and so I'll be making more than one post for this.

Without much ado, here are some of the lessons from the first 2 days of T22.


1. Life is a battle and as a Christian there is no time for rest on this side of eternity - Mrs Dokkaas Kwakye

2. A hazy view of who God is to you will not help you stand in times of trials, temptations and tribulations - Jonathan Afram

3. Turn to the Lord; don't look back to the world - Jonathan Afram

4. We must be transformed to transform others - Jonathan Afram

5. The first point of transformation is the mind - Apostle Osei Owusu Afriyie

6. The glory you know is the glory you reflect - Jonathan Afram

7. There are consequences for your prayer and your lack of prayer - James Aladiran

8. A casual approach to prayer causes casualties - James Aladiran

9. Desire without discipline will dissipate - James Aladiran

10. You learn to pray by praying - James Aladiran

11. Go to a Sunday morning service and you'll know how popular the church is. Go to a Sunday evening service and you'll know how popular the pastor is. Got to a prayer meeting and you'll know how popular God is - James Aladiran

12. What you don't consciously stand against, you subconsciously submit to - James Aladiran

13. We are built to advance, not to turn and run from the enemy. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER! - James Aladiran

14. Information has to lead to revelation, which then leads to impartation and finally transformation - James Aladiran

15. We're called to be thermostats (that change our surroundings), not thermometers (that conform to their surroundings) - James Aladiran

16. Light shines brightest in the darkest areas - James Aladiran

17. We all have war modes but many of us have remained in silent mode and allowed the enemy to bring us down. Switch to WAR MODE! - James Aladiran

18. We must embrace boredom as a pathway to encounter God. Even when we don't feel like praying, we must push through and build up that habit of consistency - James Aladiran

19. We must feed our Spirit and starve the desires of our flesh - James Aladiran

20. The power of sin is abundant in secrecy. Expose your secret struggles, not in shame but as a first step to overcoming them - James Aladiran

I hope you're blessed by these quotes and also hope that they get you thinking. Let me know which one(s) really stood out to you in the comments section below and even your take on some of these quotes. I would love to get your perceptions and thoughts behind them. You can also email/message me on social media (Instagram). Join the EuniqueBlogs fam and our mailing list today by subscribing to the blog and stay up to date with the latest releases. Have an amazing week!

Stay blessed and Stay a blessing.

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