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5 Quotes & Tips To Remember This Summer

Eunice OA

Happy New Week everyone!

I hope you're all enjoying the summer while you can, especially those who have been receiving lots of sunlight and warm weather. Believe me when I say you should make the most out of the summer while it's here. Go out, try new things, meet up with friends. Despite restrictions, there's still an endless list of things you can try.

To start off the week, I thought I'd share a few quotes and tips to help you power through your days.

1. “Try new things and discover yourself every single day.”

~ Bhavya Choudhary

You have the chance to do great things with your time. Each morning is God's gift to you, so choose to make your day fruitful.

2. Don't let the façade of social media blind you and cause you to drown in a pool of envy. Live your own reality and live it to the best of your ability.

~ EuniqueBlogs

With everyone being out and about, your social media is bound to be flooded with people living their best life. But don't feel envious or sorry for yourself for not matching others' 'awesome' lifestyle. Do you and don't let the façade of social media fool you into thinking others have it better. You never know what someone is dealing with behind the scenes.

3. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”

~ John Lubbock

You don't have to be on the go all the time. Sometimes, you just need to kick back and relax. Go for a walk, enjoy God's beautiful creations of nature and just be still. We tend to occupy ourselves with activities and plans all of the time, but what we need to do is learn to pause and recharge. Rest helps us improve our mental, physical and spiritual state, serving as an energy booster and aid to re-assessing our priorities.

4. “Focus on being productive instead of busy.”

~ Tim Ferriss

Productivity doesn't mean constantly being busy, but rather taking actions that will lead you closer to your goals. It's not about how much you're able to get done in a day, but rather how effectively you deal with your priorities. Don't just do things to tick off a list, but rather strive to meet your daily goals. There's nothing more fulfilling at the end of the day than achieving your goals.

5. Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

~ Ephesians 5:15-17

The last quote is a Bible verse that reminds me every day to make the most out of my time. So many things are going on these days and it's easy to get trapped in the chaotic nature of this world.

But one thing I want to remind myself - and you- of is that, in everything I do, I must make sure it ties in with my purpose. With God's plan and will for my life. I can plan as much as I want to but at the end of the day, God directs my actions.

So make your plans, work hard to make something of yourself. But remember that God has even greater plans for you. All you need to do is accept His will and purpose for your life, and He'll lead you on the right path.

I hope you keep these tips in mind even as you go throughout the week and this sunny season. Enjoy the summer to the fullest and live the life you were intended for.

How's your summer going? Do you have any other tips that you'd like to share? Feel free to post in the comments below. You can also email/message me on social media (Instagram) for any queries you may have. Do join the EuniqueBlogs fam by subscribing to the blog if you haven't already. Have an amazing week!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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