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Peace in The Midst of Panic

Eunice OA

Hi everyone. Hope you had a good weekend. I'm sure for many, if not all of us, things have been really chaotic these past few days.

If you're not aware (which is really a concern if you don't what's going on in the world), the Coronavirus that initially seemed like news in a distant land, is now a worldwide crisis. Truth be told, I never imagined living through a global pandemic, and it's really caused a lot of things to change in our daily lives. Schools have been closed down, countries are on lockdown, stores are running out of items because people are stocking up. Honestly, the lack of items like toilet roll is just insane.

But it just goes to show how serious the times we're in are. But one thing I've heard and talked to a lot of people about is our response to this global chaos, especially we as children of God.

This issue has taught me so much about peace and trusting in God. Some people have asked why I'm not as on edge and serious about the global pandemic as others. Honestly, I do think it's serious, especially at the rate at which things are going. I'm just not scared or fearful about it as many people are. The reason being I believe that God is really the only one who can protect us. You could do everything to keep yourself clean and safe, and still end up getting infected. Although it is necessary to do everything we need to do to keep ourselves and those around us safe, the blood of Jesus is basically the best protection we could have. And I believe that God didn't bring me this far to die. Honestly, having faith in God and knowing that my life is in the palm of His hand is the peace that gives me strength to go through the days without fear. Unfortunately, many others don't have this assurance.

We can relate this to the story of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41). The waves crashed against the boat and it was on the verge of being shipwrecked. Yet whilst the disciples had the expected human reaction of panicking in the face of danger, Jesus continued to sleep through the chaos. You could argue that Jesus was a very deep sleeper and so he had no idea of what was going on. But even when He woke up, what He did was immediately rebuke the wind and waves, and they ceased at once. Jesus didn't tremble with fear like the disciples. He calmed the storm as if it was something trivial (which I presume that it really wasn't).

With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm.

A lot of us at this stage can relate to the disciples. Being faced with an intense life and death situation such as being stuck in a storm, is enough to throw anyone into a state of fear. And it's a natural human reaction to be afraid whenever we find ourselves faced with a difficult situation. I've found myself in situations where I tell myself that I trust in God, but 30 seconds after praying, I end up stressing out and worrying over the same situation I just prayed to God about.

God doesn't want us to be like the disciples, but rather to be like Jesus. Yes, Jesus was the Son of God. But He was also human. He laughed, cried, and could also become scared. But he didn't. He instead trusted in God's ability to save them from the storm. His faith in rebuking the storm goes to show how confident He was in His Father. God was with Him and He had been given the authority to speak things into existence.

We as God's children have been given the same authority. We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of LOVE, POWER and SELF-CONTROL (2 Timothy 1:7). How we respond to chaos reflects the stage of our walk with God, and the extent of our faith in Him.

Who do you turn to when there's trouble?

What's your first response to a problem?

When faced with a 'storm', do you panic or are you calm?

What happens to your moral values, beliefs and principles when there is a crisis?

These are just a few questions that are worth pondering over. Yes, things around us seem to be serious and scary, but there's an amazing source of strength through it all. It's called God's Peace.

Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ. ~Sheila Walsh

What we as Christians especially need to realise is that we have been set apart by God. We have been saved and transformed, not to be like the rest of the world but to reflect God. So when the world is panicking in the midst of chaos, our response shouldn't be to follow the crowd. We need to remember that the peace of God is within us and no matter what we're facing, God will bring us safely out of it. He didn't bring you this far to die or to be beaten down; He who started a good work in you will carry it unto completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).

Remember that whilst all this chaos is going on, this is our opportunity as Christians to really portray Christ and spread the gospel to others. In this time of distress, people need to know that the only one who can deliver us from all this and give us the peace and strength to get through this is God. No one else but Him. And we need to remind ourselves that God is with us through it all. We just need to keep praying for one another, keep trusting Him and walk in His Peace.

So remember that in the midst of all the panic that may go on around you, God's Peace prevails. Continue to apply wisdom in your daily actions, obey the health and safety rules that are being given, don't be afraid but trust God's promise to keep you safe. And in all your actions, remember to show love to those around you.

What are your thoughts on God's Peace during times of crisis? Feel free to comment below or share your opinions through email/social media. I would love to hear your input. Have a blessed day guys and stay safe and covered by the blood of Jesus.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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Gabriella Quain
Gabriella Quain
Mar 17, 2020

We as children of God all over the world must really apply what we’ve learnt from God’s Word. We pray for the strength of God and His peace to reign in our lives. Also standing in the gap for salvation of lost souls.

Peace is really not the absence of trouble but the awareness of the presence of Jesus.

What a message!! God bless you child of God. Love you B!


Eunice OA
Eunice OA
Mar 16, 2020

Look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace❤ Beautiful song with a strong message. If we focus on God, the things around us will not cause us to worry.


Emmanuella Addei
Mar 16, 2020

Today's message also reminds me of this song: Turn your eyes upon Jesus


Emmanuella Addei
Mar 16, 2020

Really encouraging. God bless you. It's just as you've said. Today I listened to one Pastor talk about the peace of God and he said without it, we suffer fear and trouble. Asking God for His promised peace is key


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