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Overcoming Educational Setbacks

So there's been a lot of chaos lately about exam results and I know that a lot of people are really unhappy with the way things were done.

I actually expected something like this would happen immediately they announced they'd be cancelling exams and using predicted grades. But honestly, hearing about the methods they used to grade people especially based on social class and the social standing of certain school, it makes me really upset that so many kids are suffering as a result. Imagine working so hard just to have your efforts wasted like that.

It's sad that the education system isn't treated with the amount of importance that it needs to be, that some students aren't given the necessary opportunities that they deserve just because of who they are or where they may come from. Many people think that it's usually in developing countries that you face these problems but there's just as many issues with the education system of developed countries as there is in 'less privileged' countries.

At the end of the day, we as youth are the future leaders. No-one can deny that. The things that we go through now will have an effect on what we become as the years go by. It's the responsibility of the older generation to make sure we get all the help we need to be able to aspire to greater heights and yes, a lot of the decisions they make will directly or indirectly have an impact on our future.

We also have a hand in the outcome of our future. What we go through now, it's our decision whether we allow it to break us or build us up.

Many have been faced with injustice when it comes to education, yet didn't let it bring them down or stop them from achieving their goal. It really isn't right, but I do believe that we should never give up even when society wants to bring us down. When life gives you lemons, make more than just lemonade. Go the extra mile to get what it is you really want.

Yes, we can't always control what happens to us. But we can control how we react to the circumstances we're faced with.

God says with Him all things are possible and that we've been given the power to trample over snakes and scorpions, and to overcome the power of the enemy. We have also not been given a spirit of fear or timidity but of power, love and sound mind. We can surely overcome all obstacles placed in our path, no matter how little or large they may be.

What does God want for His children?

Is it not for us to prosper and become great?

If we believe this then we must trust that He makes all things beautiful in its time and that He's working everything out for our good. We shouldn't let certain setbacks bring us down or cause us to lose hope for our future because God has planned a very bright future for us, whether we believe it or not and whether we can see it or not.

We mustn't let what the government says or what society says, stop us from believing in the future God has purposed for us. We all have a great future ahead of us. Don't let exam results or other people's comments tell you otherwise. Fight for a better future and trust that God is with you every step of the way.

To all those who have been affected by the grading system, keep your head up and don't give up. Let's continue to pray and open our eyes to all opportunities. Let's all continue to pray for each other, build each other up and stand for justice. Remember that God hears us when we cry out to Him and He'd never let those who trust in Him be put to shame.

That's my two cents about the exam results and grading. What are your views on it? Let me know in the comments down below or email/message me on social media. Would love to hear what you think. Have a great day guys.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing

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