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My Purpose in Life is... I don't really know


Everyone and everything has a purpose; something they're meant to do. A microwave heats food, a doctor saves patients and pizza is meant to satisfy hunger. No matter how meaningless or unimportant something may be, there's a purpose for it.

Throughout my life, I've often questioned what my role for being alive is. I'm someone who tends to think a lot (I also tend to imagine crazy scenarios that have a 0.0001% chance of probably ever coming true). There are times when I look at the people around me or the people I see on the Internet, and I think to myself, 'Look at how much they've accomplished' or 'They're doing something meaningful with their life'. Then I look at myself and ask, 'What exactly have I done or accomplished throughout my 19 years of being on this Earth?'

I have friends who are working and earning money for themselves. I know people my age who have started causes and charity organisations. There are people my age who I know have written books, made movies, created tech and have even set up their own business. They've gone out of their way to make something of themselves and are doing great things. I look at them and think, 'What makes us so different that they've found their purpose but I haven't?' It made me feel like I wasn't doing anything really meaningful with my life.

But after some deep reflection, I've realised that, we really are all the same. Even if others are more privileged and get the means to start their success, it all boils down to how you use the resources you've been given and opportunities that come your way. Opportunities can be difficult to come by but when they do, you have to grab it and make the most out of it. Sometimes, you have to make the opportunity happen.

One resource we've all been given is time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day; it's how we use those hours that make a difference. Now I will be honest: procrastination has always been a huge problem that up until now, I'm still trying to overcome. Even now when I'm planning more and scheduling my time to be more efficient, procrastination and distractions get the best of me.

Yes it's an obstacle that I'm still struggling with but I am still growing, and I do believe I've improved from where I was a year ago. And as I progress in life and fix myself up, I'm finding my purpose along the way.

I should actually use the word CREATING instead of finding.


Because I believe that you have to create your purpose in life. If you sit around, waiting for your 'purpose' to walk up to your door and knock on it, you'll be waiting for a long time, my friend.

I did the same thing, sitting down wondering when my time will come to make an impact in the world around me. And that didn't help me in any way. It didn't help to just look at what everyone else was doing and envy their passion and enthusiasm. I had to create my own way of making a difference.

And that's one of the reasons why I started this blog. I had a talent and I had a passion for using my words to help others. So I channeled that into blog writing. And although the journey hasn't been all roses and chocolates so far, I'm glad I put myself out there.

Yes, when you start something for the first time, with the intention of making it your purpose and goal to make a difference, there will be obstacles. Negative thoughts from your own mind, uncertainty as to how to go about starting the journey, even discouragement from your own friends and family! When it feels like you're not getting the support you desired from the people you thought had your back, it's enough to bring your spirit down.

But sometimes, that one word of encouragement; that one testimony given by someone who tells you how much of an impact you've made; it really makes a huge difference. It makes up for all those negative thoughts and disappointments and pushes you to carry on. It reminds you that you really are doing something to help another person, no matter how insignificant it may seem. And that's when you feel that sense of purpose.

You don't necessarily have to become a big shot business person or invent a new piece of technology in order to make your mark as an individual. The smallest act of kindness towards others goes a long way. Your focus doesn't have to be on helping underprivileged people in a different country, although this is a very important cause too. You can reach out to the people around you. There are friends you see everyday who are struggling with their own problems. And you could be the help they're waiting for. That could be your purpose.

So how exactly do you create your purpose?

  • First thing to remember is that, your purpose won't just appear before you and say, 'Here I am!', especially when you're sitting down doing nothing to find it. The first step is to actually think about what exactly you're doing with your life; whether it's as meaningful as it should be and whether you're using your time and other resources to their full capacities.

  • What do you like to do? You're not going to find your purpose in sports if you hate any form of sporty activity. Use your passions and talents to create your purpose. Find out what you're passionate about and think of how you can create something meaningful out of it.

  • Start something. If you need to polish up on your skills first, do that. If you need to talk to a trusted person about what you plan to do, talk to them. Don't wait until it's too late and the passion to start something dies down, before you begin to work something out.

  • Talk to God about what you want to do. I put this last but it should be the first thing you actually do. Before you start something it's best to commit it into God's hands. Ask Him for guidance and success, and most importantly, ask Him to help your plans be a positive impact on somebody's life.

  • Remember that you're never to old or young to create your purpose. Age is just a number; it shouldn't restrict you from having a positive influence on those around you. And don't worry if you still can't find/create your purpose now; as long as you have life, you will have opportunities to create your purpose. Just don't let those opportunities pass you by when they do come.

Have you struggled with trying to find your purpose or trying to do something meaningful with your life? Don't be shy and share your thoughts and comments below.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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