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Is the New Year all that New?

Eunice OA

Many people thought that suddenly making it into 2021 would mean all the problems of 2020 would have vanished, or at least, diminished enough for life to go back to some sense of normality.

But if anything, the new year has started off with more troubles and problems that we have to face.

I mean, I guess our reality isn't some fairy tale when at the stroke of midnight, everything would go back to the way it was before all the madness and panic. There's no fairy godmother to give us a do-over of 2020.

But we do have the chance to do something different with 2021!

I know so many are looking at things going on in the world and are already done with the year before it's even in full swing. It's not been a full month and some people have given up on the year already. Like, what's the point in hoping that things will be different? It's not like we have the power to do anything, right? We should just go along with everything that's happening without much assurance that life will change anytime soon, shouldn't we?

Well, not necessarily.

As a Disney channel character once said, 'Life's what you make it'. We can't 100% control the things going on around us, but our choices and decisions have the ability to make a difference- even if it's miniscule.

What makes the New year new is more than just the change of days and months. It's a chance to start a new chapter of our lives. To do things differently than we did last year. To try out and learn new things. To discover more about ourselves and develop our characters and minds.

Many people say New year resolutions are pointless because you end up forgetting them halfway through the year. But I think setting goals for yourself to see how you develop throughout the year is really necessary. I mean, I set a few goals last year and even though I didn't do everything I planned on doing (many thanks to Aunty Corona), I was still able to accomplish some things that I'm very proud of.

Make this New year a New you. Step out of your comfort zone and take the next step into a whole new area you were too afraid or lazy to reach before. And it doesn't have to be massive, drastic changes that are made. You can start with little things, like fixing your sleep pattern or trying to manage your time better.

Remember that with God all things are possible. We may still be fighting a pandemic and so many things are uncertain, but once you trust God and let Him lead you into a path you would have never ventured on before, it'll all be worth it in the end.

Also in this new year, let's try to think about how we can help other people and not just ourselves. Yes, loving who you are is important, but let's not turn that self-love to selfish love. Remember that the actions we take can have an impact on someone else, even if we don't realise it. And with the things going on in the world, many people especially need that feeling of love and acts of kindness.

Happy New Year lovelies! How's the year going for all of you so far? Any tips you'd like to give on starting this new year? Feel free to share in the comments below or email/message me on social media. Love to hear from you! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog if you haven't already. Take care and have an amazing day!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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