Holding On by Jamie Grace
What do you do when you feel like giving up? When everything going on in your life becomes overwhelming and unbearable? It's so easy and tempting to surrender, throw in the towel and say, 'I can't go on any longer.'
We all feel that way at a point in our lives. Truth be told, I've been feeling this way for a few days now. School isn't getting any easier, and I got to the point that I actually just wanted to give up all hope on things becoming any better.
But God reminded me that in all things, good or bad, I can turn to Him. I should cast all my burdens and worries on Him and He will take control. He won't take the situation away, but He'll give me the strength to walk through this chaos. I just have to continue believing Him, even when it seems hard to do so.
This week's songs will probably follow a theme of 'NOT GIVING UP HOPE IN TIMES OF TROUBLE' and that's because I want to remind you (and myself) that even through the hardships, you can find strength and comfort in God. And I'm very grateful to God that I can do that.
Doubt and fear will try to creep into your mind and put you down, but God will drive away all those taunting thoughts. He is giving you the strength to fight and a heart to believe when it's hard to believe.
Hope you enjoy the song.