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Don't Conform,Transform!

Eunice OA

Today's blog post is actually a poem that I wrote a while back. It's one of the first poems I've probably ever officially written, and hopefully the first of many to come.

This poem basically talks about how we as youth face so many pressures today to fit into this definition of 'cool and modern'. Instead of standing out, we'd rather blend in with the crowd and we refuse to let our light shine.

But I want to encourage someone out there that, you've really not been called to fit in with the standards of this world. You've been saved to transform the lives of others, so don't let the world around you influence you negatively and take you away from this purpose God has for you.

Hope this blesses you.

Don't Conform, Transform!

The basis of life, we grow, things change

Hardly anything remains the same

From the places we visit to the people we meet,

The series of choices and the paths we seek

Often times we limit ourselves to the things that we can do

We see each day as the same, just trying to get through

The world outside keeps changing, society requires us to fit

And when we’re not careful, we find ourselves changing with it

When you look into the mirror, what do you see?

Someone the world desires, or the person you’re supposed to be?

The coolest guy in town, part of the in crowd

The girl whose physical beauty is what makes her feel proud

What about the true reflection that we were meant to portray?

The light within us that is meant to shine each and every day?

The glimpse of Christ, a royal priesthood, the salt of the earth

A people called to preach to the perishing souls of their priceless worth

The worth that caused the King of Kings to come down as man,

To save us all from our life of sin through the only we He can

We were transformed to be agents of transformation

To those that are in desperate need of God’s saving

Not to become billionaires or have the perfect life

Not to settle down and enjoy our days with little or no strife

Yes, these are blessings and achievements that God endows us with

But it’s not our main purpose for being on this earth

Of course we may argue that we are a bit young

But age never stopped God from using people to do what needs to be done

We must put aside the fear, the shyness and timidity

Because Christ wasn’t shy when He was humiliated for you and me

For He that lives in us is greater than anything

So we can stand against the trials and tribulations this world will bring

As youth of this day and age, let us arise and shine

Staying connected always to Jesus, who is the True Vine

Keep doing God’s work and in the end, it will be worth it

When He says “Well done, you good and faithful servant!”

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