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Be Strong and Courageous!

Eunice OA

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:16

For us teens, the world can be a very intimidating place. Here we are trying to step out into the world, trying to find and make something of ourselves, yet we're faced with so much confusion, doubt and struggles. Adolescence really isn't an easy stage. But it is the stage where we discover more about ourselves than we knew before. It's when we find out our likes and dislikes, and when we begin to realise the harsh reality of the things going on around us.

Your parents can't shield you from the terrifying truths of the world. They won't always be there to tell you what to do or not to do. You begin to define morality for yourself and if you aren't exposed to the right things, this definition of morality might be corrupted.

The world will always have something to say about you. By the world, I mean society, the media and even your closest friends and family. Every step you take, every decision you make, there are eyes on you; some expecting your downfall. It's especially hard when you want to make something of yourself and fulfil a dream or goal. There will be people who will tell you that you're not good enough or smart enough. Sometimes their silence is what will kill your zeal and discourage you as well. You become afraid to take that leap of faith because you're afraid that if you fall, they'll laugh at you or worse, there will be no one to help you back up. Fear is a very dangerous enemy. It strips you of your confidence and kills potential.

I remember when I was coming back to Scotland. I was terrified deep down of how things were going to be like. I knew things were going to be different in terms of what I was used to, and it didn't help that my parents weren't going to be with me. For the first few months, even though I made new friends, and slowly eased back into a place I used to know, I was still scared and lonely.

When I started university, I had the same thought process. A whole new place, this time with people I really didn't know. Hardly any familiar face and a whole new world of freedom. How was I going to survive this new stage, where I especially began to question my intelligence, my looks and self-esteem?

But somehow, I've managed to make it this far. How?

Because of God.

There have been so many times in my life where I needed that confidence and strength to step into a new place and to actually settle down. 'Be strong and courageous.' That's what He says.

But how can you be strong and courageous when you basically feel like an ant in the midst of giants?

God is the only one who can give you that strength to get through challenges. He says that we shouldn't be afraid of other people, what they'll say or do. Because the ultimate promise is that, no matter what, He'll never leave you nor forsake you. Even when it seems like He's quiet, in reality, He is actually making things better for you.

As teens, we will be faced with so much change, struggles and opposition. But honestly, don't be frightened. Tell yourself to be strong and courageous; don't be afraid of the others because the God you serve will never leave you nor forsake you. And that's the truth.

Hope you learnt something from this little exhortation.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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