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Answering My Five Questions

Eunice OA

Hi lovelies!

As I said on Wednesday, today I will be answering the five questions I asked you guys in the previous post. My answers are based on my faith journey, how it has developed throughout the years and my understanding of who I believe God is in my life. Hopefully some of my answers will help any of you out there who are struggling with what you believe in, or maybe you've been a Christian your whole life but never really understood what it entails and all that comes with it.

So here are my answers.

1. Why are you a Christian, and if not, why are you not?

I am a Christian and as I've said before, I was born into the church i.e. my parents and grandparents and most of my family are Christians. But throughout the years I began to realise that being born into the church doesn't make you a Christian; Christianity is an individual affair between you and God; a personal, intimate relationship that you have with Him throughout the whole period of your life until eternity.

I'm a Christian because I believe that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me, to save me from my sins and reconcile me back to Him. I'm a Christian because throughout my life, God has shown me so much love and grace, knowing that I was bound to mess up again and again yet still welcoming me back with open arms. I'm a Christian because I believe that God reveals Himself to me in so many ways, especially in His Word, and I believe that He holds my whole life in His hand, and that He has so many great things in store for me.

I've experienced so many things in life but through it all, God was and is always the only constant. And I know that I'll serve Him for the rest of my life.

2. What talent/behavioural trait/skill do you have that you think you are meant to use to impact others?

Those who know me know that I love to sing, and I believe it's one of the gifts God gave me to use to try to impact others around me. Because music has helped me a lot in my life, I believe that it is a gift that God can help me use to impact the lives of those around me.

I also think my writing is something God wants me to use to help spread His Word and His love, which is the reason for this blog.

As for behavioural traits, I would like to believe that God has placed a leadership role in me that often times I try to shy away from but I know that just as He used Moses who was afraid and was a stutterer, He can use me despite my fears.

3. What's one thing you'd like God to use you to do?

Honestly, all I want is for God to use me to impact the lives of others in any way I can, whether it's with my gifts, my presence or with my lifestyle. Even if it's just one person at a time or it's huge numbers of people, I just want Him to continue to build me in His image so that I can make a difference.

4. How would you answer the age old question: why does a good God allow so much suffering?

So, for this question, I've heard so many approaches to it. And as a Christian, it is one of the questions we'll be asked a lot and it might throw you off if you're not prepared. But what I've come to learn is that; we live in a fractured world as a result of the fall of mankind, a world full of evil, misery and disasters. It wasn't what God intended for His creation the introduction of sin led to a 'broken' world.

There's also this thing that God gave us called freewill. God has given us all the ability to make choices, just as He did with Adam and Eve. They chose to disobey which led to suffering. A lot of the evil in the world is as a result of people making bad choices. And you might say that God should just destroy the evildoers, but God is a God of love, wanting everyone to come back to Him and accept Him into their lives. Even the worst of criminals.

You also have to remember that all sin is sin, whether it's murder or telling lies. Nobody is perfect and if you think a murderer doesn't deserve forgiveness, then you must also remember that unforgiveness is also a sin just as bad as murder (Matthew 5:21-22) that a lot of us struggle with.

God at the right time will come for all those who belong to Him, and He will then create a new earth and new heaven, one that is only full of goodness and joy. It's up to us to decide whether we want that kind of marvellous eternity and start living lives that are in line with God and His Word.

5. If you could be any Bible character, who would you be and why?

Ok so for this one, I had more than one option but I'm going to have to go for David. Yes, let's forget the gender difference for now. I'd choose David because the Bible describes him as a man after God's own heart. David trusted and loved God so much, following Him with all his heart, that even when he sinned he always immediately went right back to God.

Whenever he was in trouble, he let God deliver Him and trusted only in Him. God loved David so much that even when the Kingdom had been divided after his death, because of David's sake, God allowed David's line to rule over the tribe of Judah. There was never a King of Israel as great and obedient to God as David.

I would love to be called a woman after God's own heart. I know it would require my complete devotion and surrender to God and I pray that I follow God wholeheartedly all the days of my life.

So those are my answers guys. Thanks to those who have shared theirs with me. I'd still love to receive more of your answers and hear what you have to say about these questions. Comment down below or email/message me on social media. Don't forget to share this post to bless others and subscribe to the blog. Have a great weekend!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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