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Am I Doing This Life Thing Right?

Nobody was given an instruction manual once they were born on how to successfully live their life. From birth until now, we've all gone through ups and downs and been in situations when we just stopped and thought to ourselves, "What am I even doing?"

We might not have been given instructions, but as children of God, we were given the Bible- God's Word- as a guide to how we can live our lives on this earth to the fullest. Yet, even though the Bible gives us advice on how to walk this Christian walk, it doesn't stop us from experiencing failures and difficulties from time to time.

I won't lie, I ask myself a lot of the time if I'm going about things the right way. The people around you can have you questioning your approach to certain things or how you react to certain situations. Your happy-go-lucky attitude might cause some to say you don't care about your future whereas if you worry about it so much, others will say you're too obsessed. There's never a right balance it seems.

As youth especially, there are so many moments in life when we just ask ourselves if we're on the right path. We tend to question who we are, our own characters, our choices and even those around us. It seems like these days there are so many 'fake friends' and people that we need to 'cut out of our lives' that we find it hard to even make genuine relationships.

It doesn't help that we carry a lot of negative experiences with us from our past and we've allowed them to influence our behaviour and our interaction with others. A personal struggle that you've been dealing with for a long time might cause you to view certain relationships you have in a negative light or not put as much effort as you should into it.

It feels like as young people, we're carrying the whole world on our shoulders and some of us haven't even stepped into 'real life' just yet.

Am I doing this life thing right?

Am I being the best version of me that I know deep down I could be?

Am I valuing my friendships as much as I should?

Are certain qualities of mine really more flawed than I realised?

Am I good enough for this person or is everything I do just going to leave a bad mark?

Is the path I'm on even the right way for me to go?

These are just a few of the thousands of questions we ask ourselves all the time. And no-one can really ever have all the answers. Your approach to life may not work for someone else but who's to say they're right and you're wrong?

What I really just want to say that, I think we'll always have these questions about all the decisions we're making and whether we're doing what's best or not. And I guess it's normal. No-one has their life all figured out. Life is a learning process that never really ends. We'll make mistakes, we'll get hurt, we'll have some victories, we'll laugh and we'll cry.

But we need to keep in mind that what we're going through is growing us. I guess it's just up to us to decide whether we'll let our experiences and other people's influences build us up negatively or positively.

And in all things, we should stand on the Word of God. It's full of the Truth and the Truth alone. What better way to grow than to grow in Truth?

It always helps to talk out your feelings with others because you don't know who might be going through the same thing. And there are people out there who can give the best advice as to how to build yourself.

We might not always be sure if we're doing things right. But we can be assured that God is always guiding us through everything.

How do you feel about your current stage in life? Are you pushing through or finding yourself questioning every choice you make? Feel free to let me know your views and questions in the comments below or email/message me on social media. And remember, a problem shared is a problem half-solved. Have a great weekend lovelies.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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