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5 Tips To Switch Up Your Days

Eunice OA

Happy New Month everyone!

Just like that we're in November- the last but one month of the year. It's been a pretty wild year but it's not over yet. In spite of all the things that might have happened, good or bad, let's always remember to give thanks, and keep in mind that each new day is an opportunity to make something of yourself and to do something great.

So I don't know if it's just me, but I've reached that stage in the semester when the vim to study is dwindling and putting in more effort is kind of hard to do. And it's kind of affected everything else I do. So I'm practically feeling lazy to do anything, which I actually can't afford to be, especially with all these assignments coming my way.

Don't get me wrong, I am doing school work. It's just trying harder seems difficult to do.

So I figured I needed to stop and just analyse myself. And I realised that maybe if I try doing things differently, it might help psych myself up to be a little more enthusiastic and active.

So for anyone in the same situation as me or even if you think you need to switch things up a little in your day-to-day activities, here are a few tips you could use that might just work.

1. Have a NO Day/Week

A NO day/week is basically a day or week when you say no to something that you find yourself doing a lot. Essentially it should be something that you know might be hindering your progress or that might be affecting the way you look at things. For example, you could have a 'NO social media day' or a 'NO YouTube videos' week (trust me, you can lose a lot of time watching random YouTube videos).

Try it out and you might just realise that you don't need to spend as much time doing certain things as you normally do. I'm sure you'll figure out that you don't really need certain activities to function on a daily basis.

2. Do something different each day

Paint a picture, take up embroidery, read a book. Just do something each day that you wouldn't do often. It not only helps you relax but keeps you active instead of resorting to other sources of entertainment such as social media.

3. Accomplish at least one thing

This kind of follows on from the second point. You don't have to achieve something grand. It can be something as simple as finishing a book or learning something new. Don't limit yourself in taking up new opportunities.

4. Step out at least once a week

For all my introverts (*raises her own hand in shame*), please try to get out of the house. Go for a walk, go shopping, meet a friend for coffee. Just do something that requires stepping out of your house. I talk from experience when I say going out from time to time, even if it's at least once a week, does make you feel more active as compared to staying locked up in your room all day. Just don't forget to wear your masks and follow restriction rules wherever you are.

5. Keep a schedule

Making a to-do list or scheduling activities- and actually doing them- gives a sense of accomplishment and diligence. I find myself trying to make sure I've completed at least half of the things on my to-do list.

Besides work that needs to be done, you can add other things such as making sure you've read two Bible chapters that day or listened to a motivational message or shared something new with a friend.

Keeping a schedule of when to do various activities also helps manage time.

Try these out and you might just find yourself being more diligent, active and less lazy. I myself will be trying these out and God willing, it'll help me snap out of my mid-semester funk.

Do you have any other tips to share? Comment down below or email/message me on social media. I'd love to hear your contributions and hopefully try them out too. Have a great weekend everyone!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing

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