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5 Acts of Love To Show This Festive Season

Eunice OA

Hi Lovelies!

I feel like it's been ages since I last posted and I've honestly missed it. But I'm back now and just in time for Christmas. Yes, it's that time of year again. The time for Christmas shopping, tree decorating, parcel wrappings and large Christmas dinners.

Christmas in general is a joyous time, and it's usually around this time that people show various forms of kindness to others. You can call it the Christmas spirit if you want.

But of course, the main reason for this season is the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who would later on die for the salvation of all mankind. And despite the conflicts over the timing of the actual birth of Jesus, I think it can be agreed that what matters most is the commemoration of this wonderful event.

We are reminded of God's great love for us; a love so great that He was willing to give His One and Only Son to die on the cross for us (John 3:16). This season is not only meant for acknowledging and being grateful for God's love but also for showing this love to others.

There are many people around us that throughout the year have helped us in one way or another or been by our side when we needed it. And as we all know, Christmas is all about giving, rather than just receiving.

You might be wanting to do something special for someone/ some people but have no idea what. Here are a few suggestions to show your love to the people around you this Christmas time.

1. Letters of Appreciation

Words really mean a lot. If your bank account isn't looking too great, why not just show your love through words?

Instead of a gift or card, write out your sincere feelings towards the person you're particularly grateful for. Let them know how much their presence has influenced you and all the things they did that you're thankful for.

You can write it out on a sheet of A4, design the page and either place in an envelope or even a frame. Words have the power to encourage and show love, so why not try this out?

2. Secret Santa

It's not unusual for you to want to buy gifts for everyone, although you know that you're not balling at the moment. So why not do Secret Santa with your group of friends or family? That way, everyone gets a gift without your wallet being hurt.

This also gives you a chance to see how much you know about the person you're assigned to give a gift to. I'm trying it this year with my siblings and I realised that I don't know some of as well as the others.

So try it out and see how much you really know about your friends/family.

3. Surprise the Unexpectants

Why not try something new this year and bless someone who won't be expecting it?

There are lots of people around us that we don't talk to or hang around as much as our usual friend group. That friendly girl in church who always flashes you a warm smile and greets you, even though your interactions are brief. That cashier at the local shop that's always so nice to you every time you go shopping. It may even be that happy McDonald's worker that's always so kind and helpful whenever you go there (I speak from experience).

Show some love to those who wouldn't be expecting it and put a smile on their faces this season. Every little counts, as long as it's genuine and from the heart.

4. Bake some treats

Put your baking skills to the test and make some scrumptious treats for your friends and family.

Gingerbread biscuits, brownies, cookies; you name them. You can package these up and give them away as gifts to others. It's also a lot of fun when making it with your friends and family.

So get your apron on and start baking away!

5. Spend quality time with family

As much as Christmas is all about giving, we have to remember that it is not only through gifts and words that we can give to others. We can give them our time too. To be able to experience another Christmas together as a family is honestly by the grace of God, so make the most out of it.

My Christmas mornings with my family usually consist of morning devotion, where we pray as a family to thank God for how far He's brought us, and then sharing of a message to remind us of the reason for the season: Jesus Christ.

This year, we plan to make the most out of the Christmas by doing activities as a family. Playing games, watching movies and anything we can to get to know each other better and strengthen our bond.

It's not only about the gifts, but how much time you can also give to your friends and family. So make sure to draw closer to your loved ones this season.

And most importantly, draw nearer to God also. Spend quality time with Him since Christmas would not been possible if not for His sacrificial love.

Let me know about your Christmas plans and ideas for this season in the comments section, or email me. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas guys!

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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