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Unknown Future

Lately I've ben questioning my future and what God's plans for me are. And I realised that I may not be the only one thinking about it.

While studying, it's normal to ask yourself if you're on the right career path and what exactly you're going to do after your degree programme.

I'll be frank. I honestly have no idea what I'll end up doing. I like to take one day at a time while in university but I do know that I need to make plans for the future at some point in time. And when I do think about that, my mind is full of uncertainties.

In times like this it's easy to question yourself or who you're meant to be. It's easy to ask what your purpose for being here is.

But God reminded me that despite not knowing, I need to trust in Him and press on. I may not know what the future holds but He guarantees that there are great plans in store for me. And in the same way, He has great plans for each and every one of us.

The truth is, God made us for a purpose. We are each a masterpiece that's He's creating and He's taking His time on us. So even though you can't see the results now, we should know that we are being moulded into vessels with a unique purpose.

In all things, remember that you are loved, you are precious, you are royalty and you are worth it. You're not a disappointment to yourself, to God or to anyone, so never allow yourself to think that way.

Open your eyes and see what God sees in you. See yourself through His eyes.

Plan for your future but don't be afraid of what it will be. Even if you don't know, trust that God does and that His plans are the best.

Royalty- Tasha Cobbs

Source: Tasha Cobbs Leonard - YouTube

Through Your Eyes- Britt Nicole

Source: brittnicolemusic - YouTube

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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