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The Luke Challenge Day 8

Eunice OA

“Where is your faith?”he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”

Luke 8:25

During a journey, Jesus and his disciples encountered a storm. And as anyone would do, the disciples were panicking and gripped with fear at the danger they were in. All they could think about was how they would die in this storm.

Jesus on the other hand was so chilled out that he was able to continue sleeping, even in the presence of all this chaos. His disciples had to wake him up for him to realise what was going on.

And when he was told, all he did was to calm the storm by just the word of his mouth.

From here we can see that the disciples, although they had seen Jesus do so many wonders, were too overcome with fear and forgot that they had someone who would be able to save them from the storm. All they needed to do was to have faith.

Many times we face various trials and troubles in life and in the midst of these storms, we continue to fear and stress ourselves out; forgetting that with Jesus in the boat we can always smile at the storm.

All we need to do is to have faith in the face of these trials and trust that God will see us through it, so that in the end, we can look back and say that he is truly the only one that can save.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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