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The Luke Challenge Day 14

Eunice OA

For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

Luke 14:29-30

Planning in advance is very important. Although God's Word says that we may make our plans but He directs our actions (Proverbs 16:9), it doesn't mean that we shouldn't have plans. God doesn't want us to worry about the future but He still wants us to know how to prepare for it.

As the year draws to an end and a new year is looming around the corner, we all have resolutions and goals for 2020. And what usually happens is that, when we don't plan our goals out well and focus on them, we tend to leave them unaccomplished at the end of the year.

In order to carry out your resolutions and goals, we require planning ahead.

And not just a brief plan.


You need a detailed plan of how you want to fulfil your goals. The actions to take towards starting your goals, what you need to do to keep going with your goal and how you'll complete it in the end.

You also require a lot of help from God. Praying to God about your goals enables you to gain insight on whether or not it is in God's will, and gives you the strength to accomplish your goals.

Planning and prayer are the strong foundations needed to carry out your goals. If they are weak, your accomplishment will be weak. And this can bring about not only humiliation from others but disappointment within yourself. But if they are strong, you'll successfully achieve what you're aiming for.

Plan well, pray constantly and focus on achieving your goals.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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