“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.
Luke 12:8
With so many views and changes in society, Christians are faced with more backlash and criticism for standing up for the Word of God. Although society changes, God's Word always remains the same. And this causes various conflicts in even daily life.
You might be thinking that even as a child of God, you have to watch what you say and do, for fear of offending someone. But God says in His Word that, whoever publicly acknowledges Him before others, He will do the same for them before angels.
And how do we acknowledge God?
By living His Word.
Our speech, our actions, even our thoughts must reflect and glorify God. We weren't saved to be quiet for fear of hurting the feelings of others; we were saved to proclaim the Good News of Christ. As the light of the world, we are supposed to let God's light shine through us. And what does light do? It exposes the darkness and makes what is hidden seen. It makes the truth visible.
Yes, we must show love in our approach to others and we must also let them know what is right and wrong by God's standard, not by men. But remember that we are not called to judge or criticise; just to spread the truth of God's unconditional love.
So don't be shy to speak out when you need to because even though men will criticise and rebuke you, God is looking at you with pride and preparing rewards for you in Heaven.
Stay blessed and stay a blessing.