It's very easy to misplace your priorities in life.
It's also very easy to give excuses as to why you can't do certain things. It's not the right time, you don't have the resources, you're not skilled enough yet, you can do it later, and so on. All these are things you tell yourself to get out of doing what you're supposed to.
In Haggai 1, God sent the prophet Haggai to speak to the Israelites. At this point in time, they had returned to Jerusalem from exile and had laid the foundation for God's temple that had been previously destroyed. But after laying the foundation, the work on the temple stopped and didn't continue for many years.
The people gave so many excuses as to why they couldn't continue building the temple until God finally spoke to them through Haggai, saying:
“Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?” (Haggai 1:4)
The Israelites were so focused on bettering their own lives and living circumstances that they saw it as a good enough excuse to leave God's temple in ruins. They clearly didn't have their priorities in order.
Many times we want things to be settled and perfect in our own lives before we decide to serve God and allow Him to use us. We give excuses that might seem valid but in all honesty, aren't really valid at all.
I think verse nine of that chapter really speaks to me. It says:
“You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the Lord Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house. (Haggai 1:9)
I'm guilty of letting my education, self interests and relationships come before God, and I pray that it's something I change. The truth is, if you want to spend time with God, you'll make the time. It's something I keep reminding myself and I pray that we all remember it too.
We can't be busy with our own lives and put God in a little corner. Even if we're too busy for those close to us (which actually should never be), we can't be too busy for God.
God knows what you're going through. He knows about all those assignments due and that test you need to study for. He's aware of the business you're trying to run and the money you need to earn to make ends meet.
He not only knows all this but understands the stress you're going through.
All He wants is your trust and attention. Every genuine effort you make to spend time with Him, He can use it to change your life in so many ways. Even a few minutes spent in genuine prayer and just talking to God/listening for His voice, can make so much of a difference.
God also wants us to let Him have first place in our hearts. I'm still learning to say no to the flesh and let the Spirit lead. Some days are good, others aren't so great. But I know that God wants only what's best for me and so giving Him full access to my heart means choosing the best for myself.
We need to learn to say no to our self interests and say yes to His Will. Saying yes to God's Will means His desires for us become our desires for ourselves. And as I said, God only wants the very best for us. If only we're willing to let go and let Him lead.
Don't get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world that you neglect God. Make room for Him in your heart and in your life. And get your priorities straight.
Main Bible Text: Haggai 1
Are your priorities misplaced? Is God King on the throne of your heart or have you made Him step down? Try to reflect on your life and examine whether you're on the right path or not. Feel free to leave your comments down below or email/message me on social media.
If there's any topic you'd like me to write on, please do let me know. Also, due to my schedule being a bit more busy, posts might tend to be once a week (Monday or Friday) instead of twice a week.
Thank you guys for reading. Have a great weekend.
Stay blessed and stay a blessing.
Glad I could share this with you guys. God bless you too❤
Really needed this. Thank you so much x
A much needed reminder for me. Stay blessed, stay a blessing