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Jeremiah 29:13

Eunice OA

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

God made us for one purpose and that was to have fellowship with Him. Fellowship with God doesn't just mean saying short prayers to Him before you sleep (that is if you even remember to do so) or reading that 5-minute morning devotional. It goes deeper than that. God wants us to talk to Him like we talk to our parents and our friends. He wants us to really desire a relationship with Him and to desire His Word.

Seeking Him with all our heart can involve hours of just drowning in His Presence, whether through worship, fasting or praying. It is usually during the quietness that we hear God speaking to our Spirit.

Our lives can get really busy and crazy and it's easy to push God to a small corner whilst we try to figure things out. But God wants you to surrender all your worries, fears and problems to Him. He promises to take control of everything. All He requires is that you seek Him first in all things.

Spend time with Him just as you spend time with family and loved ones. He wants to have meaningful conversations with you and reveal so much to you. Just surrender and ask Him to help you develop your relationship with Him. You must also make the time to do so.

A relationship requires sacrifice and communication to develop.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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Oct 09, 2019

God bless you ❤️


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