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Bearing Fruits or Bare of Fruits

Eunice OA

A wise man once said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

And this wise man is none other than our Lord, Saviour and Friend: Jesus Christ. This statement found in John 15:5, was Jesus talking to his disciples. He compared his relationship with His disciples to a vine and its branches. Now for the branches to thrive, they must totally depend on the vine for nutrients, support and strength. That's the only way they can grow and bear fruit.

Today we're going to be relating this scenario of a vine and its branches to we as children of God. We, like the disciples, are branches. When we receive salvation, we are now connected to the source of all our needs, God, through Jesus Christ, the vine. But contrary to some beliefs, our Christian walk doesn't start and end with accepting Christ as our Lord and personal saviour. Salvation is the first step, then comes a daily renewal and transformation of our lives, and finally eternal life when Jesus comes back for His people. The middle step is what we need to be focusing on each and every day of our lives.

You see, the branches not only receive everything they need from the vine, but as they continue to stay connected, they produce fruits. John 15:4 says that no branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.

And what does bearing fruit mean?

Simply that as children of God, our way of life should portray Jesus. Bearing fruits means showing the characteristics of Christ to the world around us. Being kind, showing love, patience, compassion to those we know and don't know, just as Jesus would have done.

Sometimes, I look within myself and ask whether I'm bearing as many fruits as I can, or whether I'm even bearing that much at all. It's easy to think that because you don't do or say certain things that God disapproves of or because you don't engage in certain immoral activities, then it means you're bearing fruits. But the truth is, bearing godly fruits is way more than just 'going to church' or 'not watching certain things.

Bearing fruits is not only showing Christ's love within us to others but it involves bringing them to the saving knowledge of Christ as well. It also distinguishes us from the world. As children of God, we are set apart to live for Him, that means living by principles that God has given us in His Word.

Galatians 5:22-23 mentions the fruit of the Spirit, so basically, the values that you portray when you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. All of these are values that we're supposed to bear; not just one of them or half of them; all of them.

It's easy to forget yourself sometimes, like when your sibling annoys you and you lose your temper; not showing patience. Saying something bad about someone who doesn't like you; not showing love. Finding yourself scrolling through Instagram when you know you have work to do; not showing self-control. Bearing fruits is only possible when we remain in Christ.

And three ways we can remain in Christ are:

1. Seeking Him in His Word

The Bible is more than just a book about ancient characters; it's an instruction manual on how we must live as children of God. If Jesus Christ is the example we have to follow, then what better way to learn how to reflect Him than studying God's word? Not just reading, but going deep into the Word and asking the Holy Spirit to help you not only understand but to also obey and walk daily in it.

2. Prayer

Prayer is the key to a constant connection to God. We pray through Jesus Christ to God our Father. Prayer isn't a formal or professional act. It's simply talking to God like you would talk to a friend, your sibling or your parents. God doesn't care about formalities, only that you come to him with a sincere and genuine heart. And just as constant communication is key to any relationship, so is prayer when it comes to our relationship with God.

3. Walk in obedience

Obedience to God's word is better than any praise or worship we could give Him. In fact, obeying Him forms part of a life of worship. Once you take in God's Word, pray for the ability to understand and obey it, then you must reflect it in your daily life. The Holy Spirit gives us the help we need to obey God's Word, because as human as we are, it's easy to forget about doing the right thing when faced with different situations. But He reminds us and guides us about the steps to take, to make sure we're living a life of holiness.

A life of holiness might sound like an impossible thing, but when we allow the Spirit to lead us each day, instead of listening to what our mind or body is telling us to do, doing the right thing becomes easier and feels more natural.

So the question is: are you bearing fruits or you're bare of these fruits that God expects us to show?

Remember that once you have been saved, you must continue to remain in Jesus and bear fruits that are evident to the fact that Christ lives within you. And bearing fruits is not only to show the love of God to others, but involves sharing the love and Gospel to those who don't know about God's amazing love.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below or email/message me on social media. Love you guys.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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