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Am I trending?

Today's post is inspired by the song Am I trending by V. Rose ft. Flame.

I forgot how I actually stumbled upon this song but I'm so glad I did! I play it on repeat all the time. And the message behind the song is a perfect topic for Teen Week.

Have you ever found yourself within a group where you didn't seem to fit in? And you just wanted to be like everyone else so badly, in order to feel accepted. Usually in these situations, we find ourselves compromising so much of who we are, throwing away our principles and personality just to blend in with the crowd. Because sticking out feels unacceptable and shameful.

So you change the way you dress, the way you act; even the way you speak. You start following the trends and develop the need to always know what's hot. Whatever others say is cool, you immediately sway towards it. If they have the newest clothes, you have to have it too. If they start dating, you have to as well, even though you're not ready for it. When they go out partying, you have to be at the scene too. Sure, after a while, you'll start to fit in perfectly with the 'IT' crowd and you gain the popularity you're searching for, never mind if the reason behind it is good or bad.

But then you start forget the person you used to be. She/He isn't even recognisable anymore because you've morphed into a clone of another person. How far are you actually willing to go to make sure that you're trending? So far as to lose who you really are?

There's this need for validation within us that makes us crave attention. Which is mainly the reason for our search for acceptance and compliments through social media. We end up doing anything and everything, and for what? Likes and compliments from people who's opinions are not the final say.

Don't get me wrong; it's nice to be complimented and feel good about yourself. But when it gets to the point where we constantly need it to boost our self-esteem, it becomes a problem.

The unfortunate thing about all this is that, in all this selfish search for attention, we put ourselves first and push God to the side. When we try so hard to be like everyone else, we're ultimately telling God that reflecting Him isn't as important as fitting in with society. Romans 12:2 says,

'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.'

God doesn't want you to mirror everyone else or conform to the trends of society. He wants you to stand out and live your life by His standard, not the world's. We don't need the validation of the people around us in order to know that we are amazing and that we are loved. The IT crowd isn't the only avenue for finding love and acceptance. You can find it in God and in the welcoming company of your closest friends and loved ones.

And why don't you set the standard for once? Why the need to always follow, when you can lead? My High School Chaplain said something that I'll never forget which was:

When the world sits, we must stand.
When the world stands, we must stand out.
When the world stands out, we must be outstanding.
And when the world is outstanding, we must set the standard.

God is looking for people who won't be afraid to set the standard; to show His light and love to the world without hesitation and without fear. You can't do this if you're stuck in the shadow of someone else.

  • Get rid of anything that will cause you to forget who you're supposed to be; move away from any person who will make you feel that you need to look or act a certain way to fit in.

  • Even your own mind can be an enemy. And the way solve that problem is by filling your mind with the Word of God, and with positive thoughts. Having God's words and promises in mind all the time will help you rinse your mind of negativity.

  • Surround yourself with people who love you for you, and who will build you up to be great. And be someone's character booster. Your character and lifestyle should positively influence someone to be better.

  • Your possessions don't make you; always remember that.

I hope this encouraged you guys to continue to be the amazing person God knows you are. We each have our unique light and it's up to us to let them shine. We aren't called to conform but to transform!

Hope you enjoy the song below and don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section or through email.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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