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Eunice OA

1 Peter 1:16

But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:15-16

God has called us as His people to be holy. Every father would want their child to follow in his footsteps, and to emulate the good qualities that they show. In God's case, He is perfect, without any fault or flaw. And He wants us as His children to be holy, just like Him.

What exactly does being holy entail? Holiness is not about performing acts or rituals to seem upright. Rather, it is a lifestyle, and involves what you do in private as well as in public. It is about how we portray ourselves as children of God in this wayward world. Holiness is not just about moral integrity; it also involves how we talk, act and carry ourselves as God's children. How we treat those around us, our character and temperament.

God wants us to be examples of Him on this earth; to represent Him. So as a child of God, there are certain places you mustn't go, certain things you mustn't say and certain things you mustn't do. Jesus is our ultimate role model. Always bear this in mind when you find yourself in a situation, and ask yourself,

What would Jesus do?

Being holy is not easy, but that is why the Holy Spirit is ever present, ready to help us in our walk with God. Step out today clothed in holiness and let your actions reflect Christ.

Stay blessed and stay a blessing.

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